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What to Do When You Lose Your Transponder Chip Key

Transponder keys are specialized vehicle keys that have been around since the mid-1990s. It is likely that you own a transponder key for your vehicle, even if you may not realize it. These keys play an important role when it comes to the security of your vehicle. Before transponder keys became mandatory for vehicle manufacturers to produce for all of their vehicles, vehicle thefts were a major problem. Now, thanks to the invention of the transponder key, car thefts are much more difficult to pull off.

Losing your transponder key is a little different compared to losing a regular vehicle key or another key of some kind. Due to the way that transponder keys function, there are a couple of extra steps you will need to take in order to get yours replaced.

How Transponder Keys Work

Before we dive into how you can solve your lost transponder key problem, let’s review how transponder keys work. The more you know about how transponder keys are supposed to function, the easier it will be to understand why specific and specialized replacements are needed.

Transponder keys work through the use of two microchips. One sits inside of the head of your transponder key, while the other sits inside of your vehicle. The two chips in the transponder system are programmed to recognize the other. When the key is within range of the chip inside of the vehicle, the transponder system will activate and you will be able to turn on your vehicle and drive. Without a clearly established signal between both chips, your vehicle will not start.

Prior to the invention of transponder keys, hotwiring and stealing vehicles was not difficult. With some manipulation of the vehicle’s wiring, criminals could drive off in someone’s vehicle without needing the physical key in order to do so. Now, thanks to the widespread implementation of transponder keys, hotwiring is quickly becoming a crime that is almost impossible to commit.

Vehicle manufacturers are not only required to outfit all of their vehicles with transponder keys, but they must also ensure that each signal is unique. That way, even if you own the same make and model vehicle as your neighbor, your transponder key will only operate your specific vehicle.

Transponder keys have forever changed the landscape of how we operate our vehicles and control our overall security. Without these keys, car thefts would occur on a regular basis. If you happen to lose your transponder key at any point, getting it professionally replaced quickly will be necessary. Once you have a new transponder key made for you, the old transponder key will no longer be useable.

Your Spare Key May Be Useless

Most vehicles come with spare keys. If you have a vehicle that typically runs using a transponder key, then your spare key may be useless. Most vehicles only come with one copy of the transponder key. The spare that you may have will likely only open the car doors, trunk, and glovebox. You will be unable to use the spare key to operate or turn on the vehicle if it is not outfitted with a transponder chip and programmed to your vehicle. If you want to have a backup transponder key for use in the future, you will want to request a secondary copy when you receive a transponder key replacement from a professional.

Replacing Your Transponder Key Fast

When it comes to most vehicle locksmithing problems, there is little one can do other than calling a mobile locksmith. This is especially true when it comes to transponder keys. Although some vehicle lock and key problems may be resolvable on your own, a transponder key replacement will always require professional assistance.

Transponder key set-up is tricky. Both the chip inside of the new key and the chip inside of your vehicle must pair together properly. In order to do this, one needs specialized knowledge and training. Trying to replace your transponder key on your own will ultimately be futile. You could cause damage to your vehicle and only further worsen your vehicle troubles. It is better to rely on the expertise of a professional locksmith.

A mobile locksmith will be also necessary if you have lost your transponder key since you will have no affordable way to get your vehicle to a repair shop. For something as minor as a key replacement, you should not bother calling a tow truck to take you to a dealership or mechanic. Instead, you should call a mobile locksmith if you want to replace your transponder quickly and for the least amount of cost possible.

Mobile locksmiths can travel right to your location, cut a new transponder key on-site, and program your new transponder key so it pairs properly with your vehicle. Although a lost transponder key may be a huge inconvenience, you can solve the problem quickly with the assistance of a mobile locksmith. By going through a mobile locksmith, you will save time, money, and a lot of hassle.

Contact the Top Mobile Locksmith in Woodstock Now!

Do you live in the Woodstock, Georgia area? Do you need a transponder key replacement ASAP? If so, contact the local mobile locksmithing experts at Woodstock Locksmith GA. For vehicle drivers in the Woodstock area, we have always been the most trustworthy and affordable locksmith available. All of our locksmiths are professionally trained, insured, and highly experienced when it comes to mobile locksmithing tasks such as transponder key replacements, ignition cylinder repairs, lockouts, lock replacements, and more. Our versatile staff members are also able to assist with any kind of locksmithing requests for your home, business, or other property. No matter what kind of lock and key needs you have, we guarantee our experts at Woodstock Locksmith GA can help. Count on our services 24-hours a day, seven days a week. Schedule your same-day, next day, or emergency appointment with our trusted experts now!